
Basketball: NJB opens season

The National Junior Basketball Division 3 boys season got underway

with five hard-fought contests.

The Lakers, in their matchup with the Kings, were led by Christian

Anderson and Dillon Campbell on offense, while Jimmy Nelson controlled

the rebounding. The Kings were led by Matt Mello, T.J. Danner and Austin


The Raptors took on the Clippers and were led by Joey Jones, Jamie

Hall and Colin Krahe.

In the Bulls’ matchup with the Heat, Brian Yasokochi and Nicholas

Pederson controlled both sides of the court with strong play.

The Rockets battled the Sixers and were led by Michael Helfrich and

Chris Freeman. The Sixers’ Nicholas Flamson led the team’s charge.

For the Blazers, in their matchup with Wizards, Danny Moskovits,

Michael Pierce and Maxwell Hause each played well, while for the Wizards,

Bunk Hooper, Dan Hernan, J.D. Abbott and Matt Faye.
