
Readers Respond -- Is a charter school the best course?

The concept is not new and the results of charters throughout the U.S.

have proven that serious-minded parents taking a proactive accountable

approach to educating their children surpasses traditional educational


Kids deserve better than what they are now getting and serious

educators deserve better than what they are allowed.

This charter school in Costa Mesa also would bring economic value,

bringing a shift from families moving to families coming in because of

the charter school.

Congratulations to the people involved and to the organizer, Kara

Handy, for initiating the idea and bringing interested parties together.

This will be a triple win: for the children and parents, the teachers

and the city.


Costa Mesa

I totally support the charter school as an option for our kids. It

serves as a wake-up call that the schools are not doing what they need to

do to educate and prepare our children for the future.

The plan that the people planning the school are advocating is very

grounded and very experiential at the same time. It is something that we

need for our future.


Costa Mesa

I definitely am for the chartered school. I feel that the teachers and

the parents should have the ability to give the schools back to the

parents and the teachers -- not the teachers union.

They have dumbed down our kids so much that our children are

graduating from high school with no where near an adequate education.

So take the teachers union out and give the school back to the parents

and the teachers. We can’t afford to let our kids go any further.


Costa Mesa

I do not favor a charter school in the Newport-Mesa Unified School


The reason I don’t is because all schools should be equal and they

should be all taken care of properly.

If we aren’t spending enough money on schools, let’s spend it on all

the schools instead of a special school, which means that only very few

pupils would have the advantage of going to that school. I think all of

our students need help.


Costa Mesa

About the charter school. We’re all very excited about the

possibility, and thank you for the great article.


Costa Mesa

I do favor the proposal to create a charter school in the Newport-Mesa

district. I understand they use charter schools in other states and it’s

worked out real well.

I’m in favor of it.


Laguna Niguel
