
Mailbag - July 8, 2000

Now here goes the city of Costa Mesa, spending the taxpayers’ money on

the Farm Sports Complex (“New sports complex kicks into operation,” July


We have roads in Costa Mesa that are in urgent need of repair, and yet

the City Council says the Farm Sports Complex would help the youngsters

get strong bodies so they can grow up healthy.

I say, just stop drinking sodas and eating fast foods and that would

keep the youngsters strong and healthy.


Costa Mesa

Stop saying West Newport is a ‘war zone’

I, for one, am sick and tired of your rag of a newspaper referring to

West Newport as the “war zone” (“West Newport: Party will go on,” July


I have just completed a new home in the area, and my neighbors will

begin construction soon. We do not need to be straddled with a ... label

that seems to be only perpetuated by your paper.

It’s true that our city has been unable to control the activities on

the Fourth of July. But it’s only one day a year, and officials need to

show the backbone it takes to tell the public: It’s OK to use our beach

but when the day is done, go home.

Your paper should be taking the high ground when it comes to talking

about the efforts we are putting into the area, not always the negative.


Newport Beach

Traffic and noise not thoroughly addressed

Recent articles in the Daily Pilot have questioned whether a

compromise can be reached between the environmentalists and the proposed

Newport Dunes resort hotel developers--and whether the City Council

should have delayed its decision on the project until the fall.

This letter is in response to those questions.

With respect to the compromise, I believe this will be difficult since

the project approved by the Planning Commission far exceeds that provided

for in the settlement agreement. I attended the Planning Commission

meetings in March and April and observed the time-tested tactic of asking

for far more than many of us think is reasonable and then congratulating

yourself after minor reductions are made.

In your June 29 article (“Council delays Dunes decision until fall”),

project manager Tim Quinn was quoted as saying the delay was unfair “to

the hundreds of community members who have participated in the process by

attending multiple hearings, speaking, writing letters, and really wanted

to see a decision.”

As one of those hundreds, I commend the City Council for wanting full

and thorough deliberation with all council members participating on a

project of this magnitude.

Many of us who attended the meetings believe that, contrary to the

studies, the issues of traffic and noise have not been properly


I believe we can anticipate a significant effect on Jamboree Road and

Coast Highway because of the proposed development.

And, with respect to the acoustic issues, I witnessed the Planning

Commission members submitting technical questions to the preparer of the

in-depth environmental study, called an Environmental Impact Report or

EIR. The staff had cautioned them that the person who prepared the

acoustic section was not in attendance, and the individual they were

questioning may not have been qualified to respond.

An increase in city revenue in excess of $1.4 million is frequently

mentioned to convince Newport Beach residents this is a desirable

project. I assume this increase is predicated on all Dunes’ guests and

conventioneers as being additive--and not reducing business at the other

hotels and restaurants in the city.

I have also heard comments suggesting that if Newport does not allow

the project to be built, neighboring cities would permit development that

adds to our traffic congestion. But we would not get the benefit of the


If our mayor and City Council members think we are at risk in this

area, why not arrange meetings with their counterparts in neighboring

cities? They could propose a voluntary development coordination effort,

which would respect the problems and needs of all contiguous areas.

In April the Pilot published an editorial on the Dunes plan that

proposed a ballot initiative to purchase Evans Hotels interest in the

property. I saw no follow-up in the paper indicating whether Evans had

any interest in this proposal and wonder if this might be one compromise

which could be considered.


Newport Beach
