
In the spirit

Costa Mesa Seventh-day Adventist Church

* ADDRESS: 271 Avocado St., Costa Mesa

* TELEPHONE: (949) 548-6596; e-mail: [email protected]

* DENOMINATION: Seventh-day Adventist

* YEAR CHURCH ESTABLISHED: The church was established during the 1930s in

Costa Mesa, and was named Newport Harbor Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Later, the name was changed to Costa Mesa Seventh-day Adventist Church.

The church moved to its present location in the mid-1960s.

* SERVICE TIMES: Worship is at 11 a.m. Saturday.

* SENIOR PASTOR: Donald G. Reynolds, who is called Pastor Don.

* PASTORAL STAFF: Karen Johnson organizes the home Bible study group

development and welcome activities for newcomers. Elaine Westerhout is

the director and coordinator of all music in the church. Oleta Pate is

the administrative secretary for the church.

* SIZE OF CONGREGATION: 180 to 200 weekly attendance, with a membership

of 270.

* MAKEUP OF CONGREGATION: Members come from various neighborhoods,

cultures, countries and regions, including China, Eastern Europe, the

Philippines, the Marshall Islands, and Central and South America.

* CHILD CARE: Child care is provided, but not on a regular basis.

Children are welcome at the church’s worship services and there are

mothers’ rooms for parents with small children.

* TYPE OF WORSHIP: Traditional, but not stuffy or stodgy, with an

emphasis on biblical discovery, adventure and spiritual growth. Communion

is celebrated four times during the year. These Communion events are

highlighted as a biblical portrayal and enactment of a scriptural story.

Along with Communion, members practice the ordinance of humility, or foot

washing, as a symbol of cleansing in preparation for Communion. This

practice is patterned after Jesus washing the feet of His disciples, a

story recounted in John 13. Participation in the ordinance is optional.

* TYPE OF SERMON: Reynolds delivers the sermon in a conversational, and

sometimes interactive, style. His messages are meant to facilitate an

understanding of how scripture applies to our lives.

* UPCOMING SERMON: In the weeks to come, Reynolds will be speaking on the

grace of the Cross, which brings the justification of mankind, and the

grace of the Holy Spirit, by which God re-creates His image in each

individual and gives them the power to change lives, which brings


* KOINONIA BOOTH: Each Sabbath morning after worship, visitors and

members gather around the koinonia canopy for fellowship and a warm or

cool drink. Reynolds describes the time as “moments for building


* CHURCH PROGRAMS: At 9:30 a.m. Saturday, Church at Study, a number of

small group Bible studies, meets. Other classes on topics such as

spiritual growth, revelation of hope, the atoning priesthood of Jesus

Christ and spiritual gifts also meet at 9:30 a.m Saturday. The class on

spiritual growth is taught by John Dunbar and Ron Etcheverry. It includes

an introduction to Christianity, information on how to develop an

understanding of how God wants to re-create man in His image and

information on spiritual gifts, including how to use them to touch the

lives of others. Bill Liversidge directs classes on how to understand the

Bible. His next two-week, four-seminar series will begin July 21.

Friendship evangelism is popular at the church and many people are

introduced to the church by friends and through home Bible study

fellowship groups. Seminars on inductive Bible study and a variety of

other subjects are offered at the church. The church participates with

People Helping People to distribute food and clothing to those in the

community who need them.

* CHURCH DESIGN: The congregation tries to find a balance between an

environment that draws people to worship and praise God and a facility

that functions well for the other purposes and activities of the church

to the community. The church is attractive and comfortable, but Reynolds

said “The facility is secondary to the message.” The sanctuary is simple,

without icons.

* INTERESTING NOTE: Reynolds said this congregation shares an exceptional

attitude of warmth and acceptance. He sees the church’s place in the

community as not so much that of a starter church, but of a place for

mature, ongoing spiritual growth. A seminar on “Unfolding the Mysteries

of the Book of Daniel” is held at 7:30 p.m. Fridays. This follows the

recent satellite series, “The Revelation of Hope,” by Mark Finley,

speaker for the international telecast “It Is Written.”

SI--Compiled by Michele M. Marr
