

Thirteen Huntington Beach seniors will be honored Saturday at the Pacific

Coast Chapter of the National Charity League’s Senior Presentation Ball.

The ball, held at the Waterfront Hilton, will recognize Megan Neal Bodul,

Sarah Jean Evans, Jaclyn Nicole Ferlita, Lauren Nicole Horvath, Kathryn

Luree Jones, Jennifer Ann Kindschi, Jaime Danielle LeBlanc, Andrea

Lorraine Orcutt, Kimberly Ann Pellman, Melinda Marie Roadenbaugh,

Michelle Diane Wong, Jenelle Mariko Yamasaki and Juliana Nicole Zuccaro.

National Charity League is a national organization of mothers and

daughters working together to promote charitable endeavors and to foster

the mother-daughter relationship through philanthropic, cultural and

educational training.

These teens have worked for philanthropic organizations throughout their

high school years, some of them since the seventh grade. They, along with

their mothers, have worked in soup kitchens, children’s homes and animal

shelters, as well as helping out with Huntington Beach senior citizens

meals for shut-ins, youth shelters and the Bolsa Chica wetlands cleanup


Several of the seniors have earned awards for having donated 50 or 100

hours above what is required for membership in the organization. This,

along with an extensive program of career issues, etiquette and cultural

and charity events, has qualified these students to be honored by their

local chapter.

Kindergarten registration set

Fountain Valley School District’s eight elementary schools will hold a

Kindergarten Roundup onscheduled days through May so parents can register

their children for fall kindergarten classes. Students must be 5 years

old on or before Dec. 2. Incoming kindergartners may accompany their

parents and will have an opportunity to visit a kindergarten classroom.

Registrations will be held at 1:30 p.m. on the following days and


* Today at Newland Elementary School;

* May 4 at Oka Elementary School and

* May 25 at Plavan Elementary School.For more information, call 843-3255.
