
Readers Respond

AT ISSUE: Parents of two children killed at the Southcoast Early

Childhood Learning Center in May have sued the day-care operators.

I was admitted to the Bar in 1956. I resigned my then five bar

memberships in the early 1980’s out of a lamentable recognition that the

practice of law, which had once had been a proud member of the classical

professions, was now no better than a grubby business. I now put tort

lawyers (as well as those who are paid handsomely to defend these

baseless suits) in a new class of legally sanctioned extortionist.

Years ago, the primary function of lawyers was to keep their clients

out of court. Settlement was a rewarding by-product of the practice, and

judges routinely tossed out the obviously false and frivolous suit. None

of that exists any more.

To close, I unequivocally endorse your “loser pays” approach. Beyond

that, I would also adopt the British system of selecting juries, i.e.,

all cases will be tried within a circumferential area of the crime or

event. They don’t allow weeks of “dumming down” of juries and the jury

is seated in about a day.

Congratulations to you for what you wrote. Keep up the good work and,

hopefully, my grandchildren will enjoy a country and life far better than

what they face.

James G. Winn

123 Pearl Ave.

Everyone is entitled to their opinions, however, until you have been

in our shoes and lose a precious child how dare you judge us.

You will never understand what we are going through. You may think you

would never do such a thing as to file a lawsuit, but you don’t know that

for sure. You can say you wouldn’t, but that may not be so true. I don’t

wish anyone to have to go through what we are going through, but it makes

me sick when you and the others who have written things against us make

such asinine comments when you don’t even no the extent of matter.

All I have to say is shame on you. PAMELA WIENER

Costa Mesa

Editor’s note: Pamela Wiener is the mother of 3-year-old Brandon

Wiener, who was killed in the playground tragedy.
