
Mailbag - April 15, 2000

Twice now the Daily Pilot has published a picture of my son, Arthur

Grams, riding his bike at Fairview Park (“Residents take hard stance

against concrete,” April 8). Was this picture perhaps to demonstrate that

paved trails are necessary?

Please say it ‘ain’t so! The main reason the boys and I love Fairview

Park is because it isn’t paved. There are miles of paved bike trails

nearby -- why on earth would anyone want to ruin what little

unadulterated dirt we have left? And now from Tim Cromwell’s letter of

April 11, I find we’re talking about 15-foot wide asphalt roads. I’m

aghast! My boys and I have been going to Fairview Park regularly for more

than 10 years and have never been approached for our opinions on the

development of this land.

Please, Daily Pilot, print a photo of what was really going on in the

park the day Arthur’s picture was taken. Show all those boys on bikes

reveling on the dirt hills. Better yet, all interested citizens and

people who remember, or children who want to be able to remember what a

dirt trail is like, grab your bike, your dog, your kite or just your

walking shoes and go see for yourself.

Take a break from concrete and spend any afternoon to this wonderful

park. It’s an invaluable resource.


Costa Mesa

Kranser’s olive branch appears bare

Leonard Kranser (Chairman of the anti El Toro airport group the El

Toro Reuse Planning Authority) wants to make a deal with Newport Beach

leaders (“Come on Newport -- Let’s Talk,” March 21). Yet there are a few

olives missing from that olive branch he is supposedly offering. He

demands that we stop our litigation against Measure F, he requires we not

put any counter initiative against Measure F on future ballots, and we

are to terminate our efforts to promote an El Toro airport.

What does Kranser promise for us in return? Absolutely nothing. He

implied that he opposes a John Wayne expansion, but should we even

believe that? I just pulled out a recent mailer this man’s organization

produced and sent out countywide. It stated “John Wayne Airport has

underutilized airport capacity. Passengers could double without spending

a nickel on expanded facilities.” Seems like this is a contradiction to

what he is trying to sell us now.

Maybe Kranser doesn’t understand. By no John Wayne expansion, we mean

no increased flights over our heads. I certainly hope if our city leaders

decide to talk, they will demand some ripe olives be included instead of

just an empty branch delivered with equally empty promises.


Newport Beach

Letter writer had it right on ‘Palace’ story

My thanks to Wallace Paulson for beating me with his letter and

comments regarding the article on the Panther Palace (“The ‘palace’

guard,” April 6).

I definitely agree with Paulson. What on earth was that article doing

in your paper and who let it slip by? This does not deserve any space on

your pages. It has no relevance or importance. I am certain the

surrounding neighbors are not too pleased to see this in print. Simply,

it does not need to be.


Costa Mesa
