
Class of ’45

Don Cantrell

Former Athletic Director of the University of California, Irvine,

Al Irwin and his cousin, 6-foot-4 basketballer Walt Kelly, once worked

out a smooth operation in the mid-’30s when they were going to the

College of the Pacific.

The pair had a rugged drive ahead of them one day, heading for Stockton

from Newport Beach.

“We agreed to take turns driving every two hours,” Kelly said. “That way,

one could sleep, the other could drive. After a long haul, I was becoming

increasingly tired and I guess my turn was becoming shorter and shorter.

It dawned on Al once after he took over the wheel. He finally peered

closely at the dashboard panel and exclaimed, ‘But, Walt, you only drove

10 miles!’ ”

The Class of ’45 is charting great plans for its 55th class reunion Sept.

21 at the Balboa Bay Club.

One of its old fans from long ago has conveyed an idea for the class to

consider for a slice of entgertainment that evening or in the future.

In the early years, there was only one movie taken of any Harbor High

football team in action. It featured the ’44 grid season. Thie ’44 team

played all day games except a thrilling game against Santa Ana one night

at the Santa ana Bowl before more than 6,500 fans. Harbor lost, 7-6.

At any rate, the film has been shown a number of times in the past. Then

it reportedly disappeared.

However, the last time we communicated with former tackle Dick Harper,

whose dad filmed the grid action, he was quick to relate that the last he

heard the film was still secure inside a vault at Harbor High.

Some of the names on that first team list were fullback Ralph Freitag,

quarterback Donnie Miller, blocking back Joe Muniz, end Rod MacMillian,

end Glynn Boies, tackle Dick Freeman, tailback Johnny Flower, halfback Al

Bishop, guard Rod Gould, tackle Jim Douglas and center John Shafer.

Other solid names on the roster included Quincy Cass, Jim Melton, Bill

Talstra, Dick Grable, Dick Otto and Bob Durkee, Gene Lee and Aaron


Quarterback Miller advanced to become an all-conference star for the

Santa Ana College Dons, then eventually transferred to play at Tulane

University in Louisiana.

It may not be on film, but one of the late season highlights found end

MacMillian and tackle Harper leaping toward a grim Orange conversion

kicker, throwing their hands together for a blocked kick effort and

missed the ball by inches.

Harper said it was a dreadful moment, because the ball flew through the

uprights and gave Orange a 7-7 tie with little time left to play.

The Tars had Orange pinned down lminues earlier at its own 20-yard line,

but a long pass clicked for a touchdown on a reverse from Dick Faber to

ace end Bob Pestolesi.

It has been mentioned before, but old fans still get a kick of the story

via World War II.

It is difficult for many modern timers to learn that there were no school

buses in WWII days so most all the players drove their cars unless some

available parents helped them by providing room in their vehicles.

The parents who drew the most attention were Dick Harper’s parents from

Balboa Island. They owned a wonderful station wagon.

It was open and available to whatever players were fast enough to get

into line. First come, first served.

One hilarious moment that returns out of the 1944 contest featured

fullback Freitag after he was told in the huddle that the team had two

downs to make three yards for a first down near the goal.

Freitag reportedly scoffed and exclaimed that anyone could make three

yards in two plays. Unfortunately, Harbor didn’t make it and his

teammates have been ribbing him about it over the years.

Another amusement came to the late coach Les Miller in the ’43 Harbor

vs. Laguna game when he chose to use an extremely fast freshman defensive

back named Brian Hanzal.

His lack of experience worked against him as the Laguna passer drew him

to the right, then passed long to the left with Hanzal caught


Ah, those were the days.
