

Well shucks. Congratulations to the PLC Land Co. I saw in the Orange

County edition of the Los Angeles Times on Sunday that they had $63

million in sales in their new developments in Huntington Beach. Well

that’s just great! And congratulations, too, to our city councils of the

‘90s and our planning commissioners for helping them achieve that goal --

kudos to all. And gee, so many more people got the opportunity to live in

our fair city because of the smaller lot sizes. Praise the Holly-Seacliff

Specific Plan.And would you just look at Goldenwest Street, six lanes no


Why, you can just rip down to the beach now at 65 mph! What they should

do now is put in some car dealers and some fast food places and some

strip malls where Central Park is, and shucks, we could have another

Beach Boulevard. Just think of all the dollars that would bring into the

city’s treasury. Glory be! Wonder upon wonder.

Such vision our City Council and planning commissioners have. We should

all be thankful that all that wasted open space in our city is being

filled in with houses. Sure does get rid of the clutter.

I can hardly wait to see what other great growth and development plans

are in store for Huntington Beach, perhaps a cross-town freeway.
