
Inside Scoop


Many locals are fuming about receiving parking tickets because of the new

street-sweeping program initiated in Huntington Beach this month.

They might feel better knowing that no one can escape the clutches of the

parking enforcer -- not even City Councilwoman Shirley Dettloff’s

husband, Bob.

“He’ll be one of those angry citizens that will come storming the council

chamber [in protest],” she joked.


During Fountain Valley City Council’s hearing on Starbucks’ proposed

drive-through facility, Councilwoman Laurann Cook wondered how fast cars

would move through the line because people like her order such

concoctions as nonfat, nonfoam lattes.

Then a question about traffic direction prompted a Starbucks

representatives to suggest stationing an employee outside to help.

“I think that employee would be better utilized in back to help so

Laurann could get her latte faster,” Councilman John Collins quipped.


Edison High School students are exploring the cutting edge of music

technology with the new Digital Music Club.

Adult advisor Mark Soden said the group allows students a way to create

music with computers and then display their creations to a global

audience via the Internet.

The club, which meets weekly and is open to all students, has a variety

of projects underway.

“They range from the somewhat predictable techno end of the spectrum to

roughing out show tunes,” Soden said.

Soden said an added bonus is that students can download and keep their

tracks on their home computer: “Proud parents can order their children’s’

works on CD from the Web site.”

SI-- Compiled by Eron Ben-Yehuda, Angelique Flores and Andrew Wainer
