
Lunar eclipse to darken night sky

Amy R. Spurgeon

COSTA MESA--A viewing party for the first total lunar eclipse of the 21st

century will be held Thursday night at OCC.

The college’s astronomy department will set up 10 telescopes for its

“Lunar Eclipse Party” from 6 to 10 p.m. on the lawn in front of the

planetarium, 2701 Fairview Road.

“The total phase of a lunar eclipse is so interesting and beautiful

because of the filtering and refracting effect of Earth’s atmosphere,”

said Fred Espenak of NASA’s planetary systems branch.

“If the Earth had no atmosphere, then the moon would be completely black

during a total eclipse.”

Instead, the moon can take on a range of colors--from dark brown to red

to bright orange and yellow, he said.

From start to finish, the eclipse is expected to last three to four


Nicholas Contopoulos, OCC’s assistant professor of astronomy, said a

question and answer session be held during the eclipse.

“While the moon is dark, we’ll be talking with persons in attendance

about what’s taking place,” he said. “We’ll answer questions and we’ll

discuss a variety of different astronomical subjects of interest.”

The school’s American Indian student organization will share

multicultural cosmic mythology with observers of the eclipse.

Refreshments will be served.

The next total lunar eclipse will not be visible in North America until

2003, Espenak said.

For more information, call (714) 432-0202.
