
The Crowd

B.W. Cook

Ballet Montmartre raised $12,000 at its fourth annual Village Crean

fund-raiser. The holiday gathering attracted a host of locals intent on

providing children with a first-class dance program in this community.

Funds raised will benefit young dancers in need of financial assistance.

The Ballet Montmartre has performed for more than 15,000 Orange County

primary and secondary students at no cost to the school districts.

In the handsome crowd were Stela Viorica, artistic director of the

ballet, George Martinovich, composer, and Brent Neumeyer, orchestrator.

This past weekend, the talented triad presented Ballet Montmartre’s

annual “A Christmas Carol” to delighted audiences at Chapman University,


Two major debutante programs in the Newport-Mesa community held important

holiday events recently.

The Assistance League of Newport-Mesa held an announcement tea at the

Newport Beach Marriott Hotel. The young ladies, 14 high school seniors

from the community known as Assisteens, were introduced to the crowd by

Debutante Ball 2000 chair Betty Anne Harline.

On hand for the introductions were Jan Murar, president of the

Newport-Mesa Assistance League Chapter, and Ann Marie Alford, first vice

president. Nancy Halvorsen, Cathy Andrews and Susan Schauppner were also

at the reception.

These mothers are the very significant coordinators of the Assisteen

activities. All 14 young women have participated in a four-year program

of self-improvement through community service.

Coming up in the spring is the 17th annual Assisteen’s Fashion Show to be

held March 26 at Bloomingdales, Fashion Island.

The senior Assisteens are Amy Angelo, Christine Bogenrief, Nicole

Charney, Kimberly Christensen, Jessica Edwards, Margaret Fluor, Kathleen

Ganiere, Mindy Gayer, Signe Hillyard, Ashley Jacobsen, Katharine Massrey,

Alexandra Robinson, Allison Schneider and Lindsay Stump.

Meanwhile, the Newport chapter of the National Charity League sponsored a

lavish and elegant Debutante Ball at the Four Seasons Hotel, Newport

Beach. More than 500 family members and friends witnessed the formal

presentation to society of 19 young women.

Collectively, these local citizens finishing high school have contributed

more than 6,500 volunteer hours to a variety of organizations serving the

Newport-Mesa community. The 39th annual ball paid tribute to a very

long-standing tradition of mothers and daughters working together to

build a better society.

James Francis Roberts served as presenter, with Mrs. James Hawkins,

president of the Newport chapter of the National Charity League, who was

on hand with Mrs. Arthur Coons, the 1999 Debutante Activities committee


The ballroom of the hotel was laidened with thousands of roses and lilies

in a setting designed by florist Jacob Maarse. J. Sterling provided the

musical background to create a once-in-a-lifetime evening for the young

women and their families.

* B.W. COOK’S column appears Thursdays and Saturdays.
