

* Your best defense is to be prepared -- know your options ahead of time.

Your safety may depend upon your ability to stay cool and calm.

* Require salespeople or repair people to show identification.

* The No. 1 killer of teenagers, before they go to college, is

alcohol-related highway accidents.

* Approximately one-third of local arrests involve alcohol. Alcohol abuse

impairs judgment, causes injuries and kills.

* Pay attention to your intuition and instinct. If something just ‘feels

wrong,’ it usually is.

* Keep emergency phone numbers handy or memorize them.

* Discuss safety plans with family, friends, neighbors, children and


* Use a purse with a shoulder strap. Carry it with the side that opens

toward you. Hold your purse securely.

* Park away from vans or cars with someone ‘waiting around.’

* Keep a ‘call police’ sign under the front seat of your car.
