

While in my mid to late teens, I had several adult role models -- outside

my own mother and father. They ranged from teachers and coaches to

parents of friends. I was deeply saddened to read of the passing of one

of these wonderful people (“Senior Center’s ‘guiding light’ Sandy

Pinkerton dies of cancer,” Oct. 1).

Sandy Pinkerton was a tremendous influence in my life during my late

adolescence. She was the epitome of “class.” Leading by example, she

taught me the dos and don’ts of social life, from dating to how to

properly eat an artichoke in mixed company.

Unfortunately, throughout the years, we lost contact. I would, however,

occasionally see her in front of her once-yellow Mesa del Mar home. As I

would drive by, I would wave or say “hi,” which always triggered memories

of time past.

I could go on and on about Mrs. “P.,” but mine is but one story. I am

sure there are hundreds of others who have volumes to tell of how she

affected their lives and our community.

To her family, I wish them peace and strength during this difficult time.

I want them to know, as I am sure they do, that Sandy Pinkerton was one

“class act.” She will be missed.


Teacher, Costa Mesa High School
