


VOTE: 5 to 0

SUMMARY: The board Sept. 7 chose 11 residents to participate on a

district advisory committee to discuss the use and possible sale of the

district’s three closed school sites: Burke, Gisler and LeBard.

The community submitted 70 applications, and the five board members

chose two applicants each.

Board trustee Robert Mann chose John Ely and Nicholas Krupka; Cathy

McGough picked Bill Wallace and Deborah Campana; Brian Rechsteiner

selected Mike Jenkins and Michael Karal; Shirley Carey chose Madeleine

Andor and James Ketchersid; and Brian Garland picked Celia Jaffe and

Rebbie Bates.

Supt. Duane Dishno chose the 11th member, Paul Morrow, principal of

Sowers Middle School.

The committee should have its first meeting in September.


VOTE: 5 to 0

SUMMARY: The board tabled an item that would require parents to start

paying for student bus transportation to and from school. Two bus fee

information meetings were presented in the summer, but the board members

agreed they wanted to give the public one more chance to speak up before

they make a decision.

The proposed costs are $180 for an annual, round-trip pass per student

or $100 for a semester, round-trip pass per student; qualified low-income

families would pay $25; and students qualifying for reduced priced lunch

would pay $90 annually. A second or third child would pay half price and

the cost per family would not exceed $360.

If the school board passes the proposal, passes would be sold in

December and the program would begin Jan. 3. The first year cost would be

$90 for the remainder of the year and $45 for students who qualify for

reduced priced lunch. Special education students will ride for free.

The board will take action at 7 p.m. Tuesday at the District Education

Center, 20451 Craimer Lane, Huntington Beach.


VOTE: none

SUMMARY: The board listened to a presentation about surveying

registered voters on the possibility of issuing a school repair bond.

Four hundred registered voters living within the school district would

be asked 30 questions on education issues and district facility needs to

determine voter support.

The board will vote on issuing a survey Tuesday night.

-- Marissa Espino
