
POLICE FILES - Sept. 1, 1999


West Baker Street: A cellular phone worth $400 was stolen from a store in

the 600 block during the evening of Aug. 16.

Bristol Street: A car stereo worth $300 was stolen in the 3300 block

during the evening of Aug. 26.

Santa Ana Avenue: A cellular phone worth $200 was stolen from a car in

the 1700 block during the evening of Aug. 22.

West 19th Street: A bicycle worth $150 was stolen in the 600 block

between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Aug. 24.


Back Bay Drive: A license plate worth $10 was stolen from a car in the

1100 block between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. Aug. 29.

East Coast Highway: Two personal watercraft worth $8,000 were stolen from

a business in the 300 block between Aug. 27 and Aug. 30.

Newport Boulevard: A car stereo and a postage scale worth $300 were

stolen in the 3700 block during the evening of Aug. 19.

Via Oporto: A cellular phone worth $249 was stolen from a restaurant in

the 3400 block at 12 a.m. Aug. 28.
