
Tastemakers event brings slices of Asian and Pacific Islander cuisine to Costa Mesa

Chefs from award-winning restaurants throughout the area flaunted their culinary craftsmanship Wednesday during Tastemakers of Orange County 2.0 in Costa Mesa.

The second annual food festival at SOCO and the OC Mix was held to benefit the Orange County Asian and Pacific Islander Community Alliance and celebrate those communities’ heritage and, of course, cooking.

“The Asian community has become so diverse in the last 20 years,” OCAPICA Executive Director Mary Anne Foo said this month. “You have Asians mixing with other races, the second-generation, younger chefs and longtime restaurant owners who have really transformed the county. What binds them all is their commitment to the community and wanting to give something back.”


The event, which organizers said drew about 500 guests, also celebrated the 20th anniversary of OCAPICA, which seeks to enhance the health and socioeconomic well-being of Asians and Pacific Islanders in Orange County.

The group is based in Garden Grove and has offices in Costa Mesa and Buena Park.

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