
Officials: OC Fair vendor temporarily shut down for tax investigation

An OC Fair food vendor temporarily ceased operations Friday in response to a state investigation, according to fairgrounds officials.

The Backyard BBQ Village, which sets up shop near the livestock area, is being investigated by the state Board of Equalization, according to the statement.

Fairgrounds officials said they were advised around 2 p.m. Friday that the state agency “would be on site to investigate business operations regarding unnamed concession booths on site at the OC Fair in relation to back taxes.”


Board of Equalization spokeswoman Venus Stromberg said in a prepared statement to the Daily Pilot that state investigators, with assistance from the California Highway Patrol, served as search warrant at the fairgrounds Friday.

She said she could not comment further on the investigation because of taxpayer confidentiality laws.

—Bradley Zint and Kevin Chang

Twitter: @bradleyzint
