
Meet mayor, tour civic center

Newport Beach Mayor Keith Curry will pick up the Meet the Mayor event series Saturday by leading a tour of the new civic center at 10:30 a.m., according to the city’s website.

From 9 to 10:30 a.m., Curry will be available to discuss city issues in a casual setting in the Community Room. The website says residents are welcome to stop by at any point during that time.

The tour will leave from the Community Room, which is across a breezeway from City Council chambers, 100 Civic Center Drive, near the Central Library off Avocado Avenue.


Curry kicked off the Meet the Mayor series during his mayoral term a couple years ago. Last year, then-Mayor Nancy Gardner, now a councilwoman, put her own spin on the concept, with events like a Paddle with the Mayor. During the session, Gardner led a group of stand-up paddleboarders around Newport Harbor.

— Jill Cowan

Twitter: @JillCowanD
