
Education nonprofit adds five board members

An Orange County extended-learning nonprofit added five new members to its board, including Laguna Beach resident Donnie Crevier.

Santa Ana-based THINK Together brought together professionals in dental, technology and retail food to its leadership board. Crevier is the name behind Santa Ana-based Crevier BMW, the largest volume BMW center in the nation and was honored by Time Magazine for being a quality dealer and for its community service.

“We need to continue to evolve the board of directors so that it can govern, guide and help to adequately resource the organization as it scales up, while at the same time remaining connected to the communities that we serve,” THINK board Chairman Fran Inman said in a prepared statement.


Smile Brands Inc. President and Chief Executive Steve Bilt; technology executive Doug Antone; Ralphs Grocery Co. executive Kendra Doyel; and Paolo Leon, a THINK Together alumnus and USC graduate who is an architect with Taylor Architects, Planning & Design, also joined the board.

THINK Together provides early literacy, after-school, small-group tutoring and summer learning opportunities to more than 100,000 students nationally, including those in Newport-Mesa.

— Britney Barnes

Twitter: @britneyjbarnes
