Sue Lester
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Name: Sue Lester
Age: 43
Birthplace: Southern California
How long have you lived in Costa Mesa? I have lived in Costa Mesa since July and have had a business here since October 2009.
Occupation: director, nonprofit organization
Education: administration of justice certificate, general education and specialty courses - junior college, basic and advanced culinary certificates from Orange Cooast College
Previously elected or appointed positions: None
Community organizations you belong to: Orange County Directors Alliance
What do you think are the biggest issues facing Costa Mesa right now?
1. We need to manage our spending and balance our budget. Part of this includes drafting reasonable policies that encourage businesses to come to Costa Mesa to increase revenue and create jobs.
2. We need to support police and fire services to ensure public safety and maintain/restore public services so that Costa Mesa continues to be a place where a wide variety of people want to live and work.
3. We need to better fund our schools and youth programs to strengthen the future of our children and community.
4. We need to encourage the community to come together and take an active role in the future of our city. This means reaching out to council members with questions, concerns and input to ensure they are acting on behalf of the people and doing what is best for the community overall.
What is one decision in the last year that the City Council got right and why would you have supported it?
They saved the emergency medical services coordinator position which strengthens emergency medical services and they did it in a manner that will genenrate additional revenue for the city with no additional cost to our residents.
What is one decision in the last year that the City Council got wrong, or partially wrong, and why would you have voted differently?
The city approved a new residential development for seniors in a location I don’t agree with. I am very much in support of affordable senior housing however this development doesn’t provide adequate parking or easy access to public transportation and it’s located next to a nightclub which more than likely will cause problems for the residents as well as the nightclub long term. I would’ve supported this project had it been in a more suitable location.