
Life Scout honored for Eagle project

Brandon Sayre, a 17-year-old Life Scout with Costa Mesa Troop 188, recently completed his Eagle Scout project at Palm Harvest Church in Costa Mesa.

Brandon started a Gofundme page and raised just over the $3,200 he was going for. He used the money to create a seating area in the previously barren courtyard of the Wilson Street church. According to his page, he bought redwood benches, patio furniture and planters.

“This project is important to me because it will provide a comfortable and inviting area for church members and allow people to fellowship before and after church services,” he wrote on the Gofundme page.


The senior at Calvary Chapel High School was honored at a small celebration on July 18 at the church organized by Mike Decker, lead pastor. Costa Mesa Mayor Steve Mensinger and city CEO Tom Hatch attended the event along with Brandon’s family and fellow Scouts.

—Alicia Lopez
