
Applications being accepted for Laguna’s Citizens Academy

The Laguna Beach Police Department is accepting applications for its Citizens Academy, a 12-week course that offers residents an in-depth look at department functions.

Classes begin Sept. 8 and are from 6 to 9:30 p.m. Thursdays through Dec. 1, according to a news release.

The academy, which began in 1999, will include instruction and practical exercises in areas such as homeless outreach, crime scene investigation, 911 dispatch, narcotics identification, traffic collision investigation and firearms training.


Students will tour Laguna Beach’s police and fire stations and the Orange County Jail.

The program is available to Laguna Beach residents or people who work in Laguna who are at least 18 years old and have no felony convictions. Applications much be submitted by Aug. 31.

Applications are available at police headquarters at 505 Forest Ave., or by contacting class assistant Ross Fallah at (949) 497-0701 or at
