
‘Star Trek’ crew meets Space Station crew in live Google Hangout

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“Star Trek” fans, set your alarms. And fans of the astronauts who live and work on the International Space Station, set your alarms too.

At 9 a.m. Pacific time Thursday, the filmmakers behind “Star Trek Into Darkness” and a handful of NASA astronauts will come together in a live Google Hangout to discuss how science fiction is becoming a reality. And you can watch it live, right here.


(The video player above will stream the hangout starting at 9 a.m. Thursday.)

The hangout is scheduled to last about 45 minutes, and there are some pretty big names participating from both the film and science worlds.

The film’s director, J.J. Abrams, will sign on, as will screenwriter and producer Damon Lindelof. You’ll also get to see the good-looking faces of some of the film’s stars, including Chris Pine, Alice Eve and John Cho.

From the space side of things, NASA astronaut Chris Cassidy will join in from aboard the International Space Station. Astronauts Michael Finke and Kjell Lindgren will sign on from NASA’s Johnson Space Center here on Earth.


The participants are encouraged to ask questions of one another, but questions will also be submitted by audiences at New York’s Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum and at the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum.

The hangout’s organizers are also taking questions via social media. Early Thursday, NASA will open a thread for questions on its Facebook page, and you can also submit questions via Twitter using #askNASA.

It’s unclear how much this hangout will delve into life aboard the International Space Station, or the real science that went into the making of Abrams’ second “Star Trek” film, but I’m curious what will happen when two sets of people from entirely different worlds collide.


