
Here is how America feels about Trump's shocking win

Nearly all the polls (although not the USC/L.A. Times survey) had Hillary Clinton heading to the White House. So Trump's victory hit like a shockwave for many. We are asking Americans to share their reaction to President-elect Trump.

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“He represents an America that I totally and completely reject.”


“Replace ACA with something that will actually work. ”


“Concede that he lost the popular vote.”

Kavan Anderson

“I want to hold Donald Trump accountable for his promises.”

Gabriel Arellano

“His win means we as a people have fallen short.”

Kelsey B

“I want him to learn compassion and take interest in every person.”

Lori Barnhill Fidler

“Too nauseated to eat.”

Joseph Baron

“I believe though many are in shock, that Trump will unify America.”

Robert Beck

“Do as little damage as possible.”

Ben Benavidez

“My hope is that he realizes that the country is on the right path.”

Tom Bennouli

“I was really worried that the nation was on the brink of falling apart.”

Barbara  Benson

“Get a cabinet of wise leaders and listen to their advice. ”

Nancy Bretzfield

“I am glad that Trump won.”

Marshall Brown

“The fact that this is a shock to us on the left should tell us something.”

Mary Bucholz

“Thankful the good people of California passed Prop 64.”

Tina Burke

“Trump will never represent me or my values.”

Susie Burt Sadler

“Looking into emigrating elsewhere.”

David Carter

“No one president is going to turn the ship.”

Stan Clark

“I ache for our country.”

David Collins

“I'm cool with it! ”

Kelly Corbin

“My heart is heavy, stomach in knots.”

Melinda Cowen

“Our glory days are gone. There is no healing here. We all died.”

Kelly Cox

“Make us a great nation again.”

Karen Davis

“Sad that America is still a racist nation.”

Bam Donnelly

“I just can't deal with the absolute stupidity.”

Milena Drupert

“The country now is turning into mix of nazi Germany and communist Russia.”

Bill Duguid

“Rebuild military.”

Emanuel Dushaj

“As a first generation Albanian-American, I could never feel any happier. ”

Kelsie Earl

“He will be the hothead we've known him to be.”

Louise Endrelin

“I do hope that he will make a difference.”

Jean English

“We lost trust in decency of our fellow humans.”

Christopher Evangelista Casabar

“Words cannot describe how disgusted I am right now.”

Erasmus Fong

“Relieved that Hillary Clinton will never hold public office again. ”

Bryant Francis

“I want to cry.”

Marie Gamboa

“I feel horrible, defeated, angry, mad at the American public.”

Paul Gerstner

“Obviously, 'To make America great again'.”

Anna Gorski Waters

“Devastated, disappointed and anxious.”

Jennifer Guthrie

“Rebuild, respect, return it to its roots.”

Linda Hanson

“Couldn't take any more Democrat 'transparency.'”

Ed  Hatton

“Allow the country to heal before changing things immediately.”

Tracy  Hayden

“I'm pretty upset and worried for our future.”

Mollie Helfand

“I am so incredibly uncomfortable right now.”

Jorge Herrera

“Afraid for my life and my loved ones.”

Amanda Hines

“Stop with his horrible us white vs them ideals.”

Kathrine Hutton


Aynne Ingram

“My heart is broken, and I am terrified.”

Stephen Jacewicz

“I want him to turn this nation into the Christian nation it is suppose to be.”

Sarah Johnson

“I want him to refocus his goals with all Americans in mind.”

Jeff Johnson

“Clean up DC.”

Jake Jones

“Renegotiate the trade deals.”

Noel Kairaiuak

“Fearful of what he might do.”

Anna Karmazyn

“Reverse most of what B. Obama did to create racial tensions.”

Elena Keller

“Every American deserves access to high quality, affordable health care.”

Jeff Kelton

“This is the Democratic Party's fault.”

Dennis Kramer

“The American silent majority spoke.”

Joe LaRosa

“That was the best we could have hoped for.”

Andrew  Lee


Jennifer Lenihan Armstrong

“How do people see Trump as hateful?”

Wendy Lopez Runyard

“When I wake up, this will still be real.”

Lucas Lorenzo Hernandez

“I feel exactly the same.”

Michelle Macedonio

“I want him to leave America.”

Joseph Mack

“Woke up this morning with a new hope.”

Alexandra Madden

“I feel estranged from the country I live in.”

Robert Manthey

“Pass the baton to Hillary.”

Bert Manuel

“We needed a change from the last 8 years of failure.”

Amy  Markley

“I'm not sure he can unite us.”

Amanda Marlowe

“I have no clue.”

May I. Matysik

“Replace Obamacare. Fix immigration.”

Sina Maurus

“Trump stands for nothing but Trump.”

Twila Mihas

“Lower taxes.”

Suzanne Moore

“Trump is not capable of making adult decisions.”

Todd Mordoh

“Best day ever I'm so joyful.”

Bobbi Mullikin

“BIG JOB to right all of the Obama wrongs!”

Iestyn Mullins

“Expand on what has worked the past 8 years.”

Carlos Murillo

“He has classified me and my entire culture as criminals, rapists, and ... "bad hombres."”

Dorothy Pecka

“Bring back jobs.”

Burt Perdice

“The president-elect is now someone who cares about Americans.”

Dulcita Pie

“Betrayed by my fellow citizens.”

Todd Plano

“Watching it unfold last night was spectacular!!”

Jim Powers

“Keep his word.”

Andrew Preston

“I hope that Trump will stick to his 100-day plan.”

Dena Proctor

“Just go away.”

Hector Reyes


Terry  Rider

“Put our American citizens back to work!”

Brianna Rocha

“I want Donald Trump to resign.”

Nina  Rodriguez

“I want him to follow through with his promises.”

Caridad Romaine

“It's a white man's world and I'm not part of it. ”

Gayleen Rothenberger

“I want his hateful rhetoric to stop! ”

Mike Salazar

“I voted for Trump for justice in Benghazi.”

Jesse Sanchez

“I do not have confidence in him at all.”

Ed Santos


Alex Saunders

“Reduce debt, restore America Sovereign. ”

Letha Seals

“The moral fabric of this country will improve.”

Pia Smith

“Bring back the love and respect of our country.”

Yash Sogy

“Our country is getting divided even more.”

Ryan Stone

“I want Donald Trump to do what he said.”

Rod Sutkowski


Lura Teeter

“I feel GREAT!”

Patrick Thibault

“What does such a vote say about society itself”

Jose Alfredo Torres

“I never doubted a victory for him.”

Jennifer Valencia

“He has very large shoes to fill.”

Art Valenzuela

“Come up with a plan for all to have healthcare.”

Bobby Vinson

“I am worried for my life.”

Samm W

“It's mind-boggling.”

Tosh Walker

“I just hope that Trump will do some good and pray for the best.”

Diane Walker

“Make these unhappy Americans happy and unite the rest of us.”

David Walkerpm

“Close the border.”

Janie Walla

“Emotional whiplash.”

John Wallace

“Control borders 100%. ”

Maggi Ware

“Bring it together.”

Carole Wayne

“I am sick to my stomach.”

Charlotte Weeks Hiers

“I am so proud to have President Donald J. Trump.”

James Wideman

“Do what he said he would do for the poor and the economy.”

Richard S. Worthington

“First heal and unify fellow Americans.”

John Yates

“De-escalate the conflict with Russia.”

Vanessa de la Rosa

“I feel devastated and angry, but hopeful and ready for a fight.”

Additional credits: Editing by Maloy Moore and Mark McGonigle | Design by Lily Mihalik | Development by Evan Wagstaff

Sources: Times reporting