
Long-shot GOP hopeful Thaddeus McCotter ends presidential bid

Washington Bureau

Thaddeus McCotter is abandoning his campaign for the GOP’s presidential nomination in 2012 and endorsing Mitt Romney, he told the Detroit News on Thursday.

What’s that? You’ve never heard of Thaddeus McCotter? Well, that’s the main reason he’s now a former candidate.

The wonky, guitar-playing Michigan congressman barely, if ever, registered in national polling after formally becoming a candidate in July. He finished 10th with 35 votes at the Iowa Republican Straw Poll in August, just 4,788 votes behind fellow member of Congress Michele Bachmann.


And he was never included in the half-dozen televised debates, the subject of this unfortunate pun-filled YouTube video. Heck, even Gary Johnson qualified for Thursday night’s Google/Fox News forum.

In an interview with the Detroit News, McCotter said he’ would continue to speak about his top issues — Social Security reform and a tougher approach to China — from his perch in Congress. And he will seek reelection for his seat representing Michigan’s 11th Congressional District.

McCotter will still address a gathering of Michigan Republicans at Mackinac Island this weekend, which will also feature Rick Perry and Romney.


With McCotter’s endorsement, Romney now boasts the support of two former candidates. Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty announced his endorsement two weeks ago.

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