Mariel Garza
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Mariel Garza is the former editorials editor for the Los Angeles Times. Previously, she was a deputy editor of the editorial page and, prior to that, an editorial writer focusing on state government and politics, plastic trash, public health and other topics. Before joining The Times’ editorial board in March 2015, she was deputy editorial page editor of the Sacramento Bee and is a former editor of the editorial pages of the L.A. Daily News and Los Angeles News Group. She’s a graduate of San Francisco State University.
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Newsletter: What’s scarier than Halloween? Being a poll worker during a presidential election
It’s dismaying that we have gotten to the point that it’s so scary to be an election worker that we are recruiting former military personnel to operate polling places.
As much as I want this presidential election to be over, I’m afraid of what comes next.
Mayor Bass took the cautious route in selecting Jim McDonnell as the next LAPD chief
Donald Trump blames Democrats’ rhetoric for another assassination attempt even while an entire city is terrorized by a racist urban legend repeated by the former president.
The federal minimum wage hasn’t been raised in 15 years. How has Congress failed America’s working people for so long?
It’s a little hard to believe a few short weeks ago, Democrats were in a doom spiral. Now the party is more excited than it has been in a long time.
Former L.A. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa on Tuesday announced his bid for governor in 2026. But have his odds improved since he finished third in the 2018 primary?
The GOP blames Democrats for the attack on Donald Trump because they won’t stop saying he’s a risk to democracy. That’s not violent rhetoric; it’s the truth.
Biden and Trump are the oldest major party presidential candidates in U.S. history. You can be sure that people are tuning in to check their relative cognitive fitness and physical presence.