
Letters to the Editor: Gordon Sondland’s testimony shows how a corrupt president operates

Gordon Sondland testifies in Congress
Gordon Sondland, U.S. Ambassador to the European Union, testifies at a House Intelligence Committee impeachment hearing Wednesday.
(AFP / Getty Images)

To the editor: During his testimony before the House Intelligence Committee on Wednesday, U.S. Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland linked President Trump, Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to the Ukraine quid pro quo. Republicans on the committee did their best to undermine Sondland’s remarks by asking if the president directly ordered Sondland to communicate a quid pro quo.

Sondland’s response was classic: “Everyone was in the loop. It was no secret.”

The same could be said of Al Capone. Did he ever order anyone to be killed? He didn’t have to. His underlings knew exactly what their mob boss wanted. Again, everyone was in the loop. It was no secret.

I’m not saying Trump is a gangster, but it’s pretty clear his underlings knew exactly what he wanted from Ukraine and its new president.


It’s taken a long time, but it finally happened: A Republican ally of Trump has put country before party. It couldn’t have been easy for Sondland to testify as he has, so the nation owes him a debt of gratitude.

Denny Freidenrich, Laguna Beach


To the editor: Watching these impeachment hearings reminds me of the days I worked in New York City. Employees would gather at a local watering hole and gossip about the boss and what he was doing. Cocktails often lead to crazy theories.

This impeachment — replete with the same sort of innuendo and conjecture — underscores one simple fact: The Democrats have an unrelenting zeal to rid us of Trump. The means are not important — just get this guy out of the White House.


Every few years we lament low voter participation. We wonder why people wouldn’t take the time to pick their representatives. The answer is always the same: “It doesn’t make a difference.”

For the first time in my life I am starting to believe that as I see one of our political parties using its power to overturn an election instead of trying to win one.

Joseph Schillmoeller, Gardena


To the editor: Boy, if there were ever an argument against political-appointee ambassadors, Sondland is it.


Susan Shell, Los Angeles


To the editor: Trump supporters fall all over themselves to honor our service members, thanking them for their service at every opportunity.

Given Army. Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman’s statements, it seems that their gratitude now might need to come with a qualifier: “Thank you for your service — unless, of course, you testify, truthfully or not, in a manner harmful to the president.”

Terry Sternberg, West Hills
