
Letters to the Editor: Elizabeth Warren is a lot more than a candidate for the ‘heart’

Warren and Biden
Sen. Elizabeth Warren and former Vice President Joe Biden.
(Chip Somodevilla and Mandel Ngan / AFP/Getty Images)

To the editor: I agree with much of what reporter Janet Hook writes about Democratic presidential front-runners Joe Biden, the former vice president, and Sen. Elizabeth Warren, except for her assertion that Biden is the candidate of the “head” and Warren is the candidate of the “heart.”

Warren is a law professor who presents logical arguments but also injects a certain energy that one might call emotion. Yet, her positions are cogent and clearly stated, and she uses simple language that reaches everyone.

Biden did a very good job as Barack Obama’s vice president, but I feel his time has passed.


When both appear on the stage, though, they can be expected to be civil to one another, giving us a taste of what politics could be instead of the of tweet storms, insults and nonsense provided by President Trump.

Domenico Maceri, San Luis Obispo


To the editor: Recently I checked Real Clear Politics’ poll averages of the Democratic candidates. On Friday, it had Biden at 28.9%, Sen. Bernie Sanders at 17.1% and Warren at 16.5%.

This article frames the race as a two-way contest between Biden and Warren. Huh?

The corporate media’s disdain for Sanders knows no bounds.

Ernest Danese, San Diego


To the editor: Biden’s campaign focuses on getting rid of Trump and returning to “normality.” What does he mean by that?


With healthcare, he would fully restore the Affordable Care Act and make minor adjustments, even though it does not cover everyone, cannot adequately control costs, and maintains private, for-profit health insurance.

We are in a time of crisis, not only because of the devastation brought by climate change, but also because of the development of artificial intelligence and its effect on a range of jobs. Going back to “normality” is going back to ignoring the scope of the problems we face.

We need someone who can clarify these problems and articulate possible ways to deal with them.


Doris Isolini Nelson, Los Angeles
