
Readers React: Kudos to fired USC dean James Ellis for refusing to stay silent

To the editor: Thanks to professor James Ellis — up until Sunday the dean of the USC Marshall School of Business — for rejecting a payout from the university that was intended to buy his silence about his controversial termination.

USC speaks of the “Trojan family.” Ellis’ action in favor of transparency is an example of what the Trojan family is really about: acting for the common good rather than individual gain.

USC has a new president and many new administrators. Is it time for a new legal team and for the university to adopt a better definition of transparency?


Diane Kenney, Claremont


To the editor: I know a lot of USC alumni who take great pride in their alma mater. It’s time for these people to step up and demand that the university leadership act in a more responsible way to address the serious issues that continue to plague the school.

Until this happens, USC will continue to to miss the mark on repairing its tarnished image.

Kudos to Ellis for not accepting the university’s bribe by promising to stay quiet. Who knew that a former business school dean would teach us a valuable lesson on ethics?


David Comden, Ventura

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