
Opinion: Constant revelations about the Trump administration and Russia bring back memories of Watergate

A billboard President Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin in the town of Danilovgrad, Montenegro, on Nov. 16.
(Boris Pejovic / EPA)

To the editor: I wondered why President Trump so vehemently resisted inquiry into Russian involvement in our campaign and election when this issue first gained increased attention shortly after Nov. 8. I am wondering no more. (“Flynn’s ouster deepens questions about Trump’s relations with Russia,” Feb. 14)

With the resignation of former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn and other revelations about the Trump campaign’s contact with Russian officials, the question in my mind is eerily reminiscent of President Nixon’s Watergate: What does the president know and when did he know it?

It does not seem credible that Trump knew nothing of his campaign’s contacts with Russia. The uncovering of impeachable offense does not seem unthinkable now. Investigations by Congress and federal agencies are inevitable.


Now is also the time for the free press to reclaim the respect it so deserves. Who are today’s Woodward and Bernstein?

David Wohlmuth, Manhattan Beach


To the editor: Because The Times likes the outcome, it has nothing to say regarding how it came about: Unelected intelligence officials leaked highly sensitive information to the press in an effort to take down Flynn and undermine the administration. (“Good riddance to Michael Flynn, a fear monger who was wrong for the job long before his Russian antics,” editorial, Feb. 14)

If Flynn behaved inappropriately, the proper avenue for investigation is Congress, not intelligence and law enforcement personnel anonymously leaking the details of his conversations with foreign officials.


Leaking of this kind by unelected and unnamed bureaucrats to bring down officials is what happens in a police state. Is this what we want for the United States?

Robert Chapman, Downey


To the editor: We are only in the first weeks of Trump’s administration and we have already added a new synonym for the word “lie.”

Thanks to the resignation (or whatever it was) of Flynn, we can now add “mislead” to a growing list of words that describe lies but do not call them what they are. The administration has already regaled us with “misspoke,” “walk back” and, everyone’s favorite, “alternative facts.”


While Trump is busy calling all reporting he does not like “fake news,” he and his minions are busy employing “fake words.”

Marlene Anderson, Oceanside


To the editor: I almost fell off my chair when I read the claim that Flynn was asked to resign because his lies had led Trump and others to lose trust in him. The irony is overwhelming.

Now maybe those in the Trump administration can start to understand why so many Americans have no trust in them due to their lying.

James Sallis, San Diego


To the editor: How long will it be and at what cost to the nation before Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) and other Republican leaders grow some spine and character and stop kowtowing to the charade of this presidency?

Where is their eagerness to see an investigation of Flynn and the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia pushed forward? What is their professional opinion of the ill-conceived and thoughtless implementation of the immigration ban? Why don’t they speak up regarding the foolishness of the president declaring he’s close to replacing the Affordable Care Act? Aren’t they profoundly concerned and embarrassed by his offensive, adolescent tweets?

Or is this all just a bad dream?

Hal Rothberg, Calabasas

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