
Opinion: History won’t be kind to President Trump’s Republican enablers

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell in Washington in January.
(Susan Walsh / Associated Press)

To the editor: Faced with the firing by the president of the FBI director who was investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s failure to live up to the sterling example set by former Sen. Howard Baker, an influential Republican member of the Judiciary Committee, after the Watergate Saturday Night Massacre is typical, depressing and inexcusable. (“Spineless Republicans abdicate their responsibility to keep Trump in check,” Opinion, May 10)

McConnell may hold power now, but he might wish to consider the cold, hard eye of history, which will have the last word (assuming it survives this tumultuous political era). In history’s view, McConnell’s actions will be placed next to those of everyone ranging from the small-minded bureaucrats to the stellar tyrants who valued their power above all else.

Tony Shaftel, La Crescenta


To the editor: Marcellus, an officer of the palace guard in Shakespeare’s “Hamlet,” saw the ghost of the king and mumbled, “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.”


This expresses my deep concerns about the future of our country. With the firing of FBI Director James Comey, it appears the rule of law is breaking down. My feeling is that public confidence in our institutions is at an all-time low, with our president accused of having conflicts of interest, showing little respect for the judiciary and, now, engaging in a cover up.

The president has many powers at his disposal, and he will use them as needed to thwart any investigation.

— Allen Munro, Manhattan Beach

Lawmakers must now take action to restore faith in our institutions. This should be Congress’ top priority.


Craig Smith, Newport Beach


To the editor: The White House is “surprised” by the reaction of the Democrats and many others. The Times quotes Deputy Press Secretary Sara Huckabee Sanders, responding to the question of whether President Trump anticipated this reaction, as saying, “How could he have?”

Really? Is the White House this out of touch with reality? If this is not part of a cover up, then this administration’s top officials are foolish.

Add together Trump’s remark that healthcare policy is unexpectedly complicated and his surprise over the reaction to Comey’s dismissal, and one now has proof this White House is grossly unqualified. A timely exit back to bankruptcy court is Trump’s best move.


Gavin Feehan, Granada Hills


To the editor: It is clear that Comey was not fired for the reason that Trump gave: the former director’s poor handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation.

Pundits say Comey’s dismissal has to do with the FBI’s investigation of possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian intelligence. That is likely a big component.

I believe that Trump also wants to find a director who will pursue prosecution of Clinton. About a week ago, Trump telegraphed his continued irritation with Comey’s decision last July to recommend no prosecution. He is like a dog with a bone — he spent years pursuing the Barack Obama birth certificate issue and appears to still be hanging onto his desire to “lock her up.”

It will be interesting to see the position taken by the new FBI director. Trump will almost certainly use it as a litmus test for candidates.

Kim Banco, Irvine


To the editor: With due respect to pundits who are amused by Trump’s naive belief that no one would be perturbed by his action, I don’t believe that the chattering classes are the ones to whom Trump is sending a message.

Instead, he may be letting his possible co-conspirators in the Russian hack of the presidential campaign know that they do not need to accept any offer to cut a deal for testimony. The president has many powers at his disposal, and he will use them as needed to thwart any investigation.


He has their backs, no matter what.

Allen Munro, Manhattan Beach


To the editor: If Trump was a student of history, which he is not, he might have read what was said of Emperor Napoleon III of France: that foolish ideas multiply in his head like rabbits.

Napoleon III’s most foolish idea was to invade Mexico and impose as its emperor a European prince. Trump’s foolish idea is to challenge democracy and the rule of law.

Ken Levy, Los Angeles

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