
Readers React: Trump is an awful speaker. That doesn’t make him a bad president

To the editor: Jeff Shesol, who was a speechwriter for President Clinton, believes that President Trump would “louse up the Gettysburg Address.” (“Trump’s July 4th speech set a new standard for terrible. Don’t blame the teleprompter,” Opinion, July 10)

This is so sad — because it is true. Trump is not a good speaker.

I had some people in my life who could gently stop a negative conversation with quick and perfect words. I love words and so admire wonderful speakers. I am not a good speaker, but I know a good speaker when I hear one.

The point is, my talent is feeling the wonder of a good and kind heart — and Trump has a great heart. He may not be a good speaker, but he loves America.


Elaine Vanoff, West Hollywood


To the editor: Who remembers anything Gerald Ford said? And, who is listening to a president’s speeches anyway? Maybe Shesol, but certainly most people don’t rush home to catch a speech.

It is in the country’s most troubled times that the best speeches are given and written. Despite what many people think, these are not troubled times. These are simply times of discontent, and since the inception of our nation, it has always been a time of discontent.

Perhaps, being a former speechwriter, Shesol believes the orations he helped create actually had some impact on the few viewers who by accident hit the right channel.


Anyway, why isn’t a president capable of writing his or her own speeches?

Brian Miller, Los Angeles


To the editor: Next Fourth of July, instead of showing off the fearsome hardware of the U.S. war machine, maybe Trump can simply read from the Declaration of Independence to tell the world what it is that truly makes America great.

Ricardo Nicol, San Clemente

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