
Readers React: Trump may find himself in legal trouble, but not because of collusion with Russia

President Trump talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin during the the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation leaders' summit in Vietnam on Nov. 11, 2017.
President Trump talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin during the the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation leaders’ summit in Vietnam on Nov. 11, 2017.
(Jorge Silva / AFP/Getty Images)

To the editor: As an independent, I seldom totally agree with political commentary from either the left or the right. But for all that’s been written about President Trump’s suspected connection to Russian meddling in the 2016 election, I feel that conservative pundit Jonah Goldberg alone has nailed it. (“Let’s get real: Trump is no mastermind. Secretly colluding with Russia isn’t in his skill set,” Opinion, Feb. 20)

Trump’s not the “villainous mastermind” capable of colluding with Russian election meddlers and keeping it secret. His obsession with thwarting a thorough investigation of his Russian connections likely stems from his possible culpability for other serious indiscretions, such as involvement in money-laundering schemes.

As Goldberg suggests, the “impeachment-hungry mob” should keep its hopes in check; special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation probably won’t establish election-tampering collusion.


Still, be patient: Whatever Trump wants to keep hidden may well come to light and further darken his chances of retaining the presidency.

Christine Hagel, Orcutt, Calif.


To the editor: Goldberg poses an interesting “character theory” to refute why some actions of Trump and his allies rise to the level of conspiracy.

So I’m all in favor of reading his sequel column that explains why Trump and so many people in his inner circle lied repeatedly about their contacts with Russia, attempted to establish a clandestine Russian communications back channel, and authored a bogus story about the Donald Trump Jr. meeting with the Russians to get dirt on Hillary Clinton, to name a few points.


Oh, and while he’s at it, he can throw in an explanation of why Trump continued to praise Vladimir Putin in December 2016 after the Russian president decided not to retaliate in response to new U.S. sanctions. But this time, it was clear Trump would need to forestall future business opportunities with Russia indefinitely.

Matt Stellato, Westchester

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