
Opinion: The difference between calling Iraq (33 million people) and Trump (1 person) ‘evil’

A demonstrator holds up a sign comparing Donald Trump to Hitler at a protest march in Philadelphia on Jan. 26.
(Jacqueline Larma / Associated Press)

To the editor: Charlotte Allen reminds us that George W. Bush designated Iraq, Iran and North Korea as constituting an “axis of evil” and that liberals responded at the time by pointing out that addressing entire countries as evil was a bad thing. Now, certain liberal pundits have referred to President Trump as evil. (“When it comes to Trump, liberals can’t see shades of gray,” Opinion, Jan. 27)

Personally, I do not use the word because I think it is meaningless. I do not believe in evil. I do not believe that Satan has stained souls and turned them evil. That said, branding one man as evil is, in my humble opinion, far different than branding entire populations as such.

Next to Allen’s article is another piece by Gayle Tzemach Lemmon reminding us that Bush told the Iraqi people that “America does not abandon our friends, and we will not abandon you.” Trump may not be evil, but he certainly does not display any evidence of being diplomatic or disciplined.


Bethia Sheean-Wallace, Fullerton


To the editor: Yes, we who called President Bush evil were wrong in doing so. But at least he was sane.

Calling Trump evil misses the point. He seems not to know the difference between what is true and what is not. This snowballs into an Orwellian repetition of lies where truth is buried and those who know something’s seriously wrong become cowed into helpless obeisance to insanity.

Loren Woodson, Santa Monica

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