
Readers React: Why Republicans should rally behind Justin Amash: President Mike Pence

To the editor: This is what I don’t understand about the Republicans criticizing Rep. Justin Amash (R-Mich.) for suggesting that the president committed impeachable offenses: Many of them hated Donald Trump from the very beginning, believing he would degrade their party (which he has).

If they were to go along with Senate Democrats and vote to impeach, they would get President Mike Pence, a far more traditional Republican. While still right wing, at least he’s stable, professional and stands for something, and he wouldn’t run the country via Twitter pronouncements.

Are they worried about Trump’s popularity? He won the election without the popular vote and with all kinds of help from the Russians.


Andrew Tilles, Studio City


To the editor: The L.A. Times put an article on the Monday print edition’s front page reporting that President Trump lashed out at someone.

Real front-page news would report on the courageous Republican who is calling the Mueller report as he sees it, not on the obstructionist in chief getting mad at him.

Trump was elected because the media gave him a megaphone that it did not give anyone else. As a result, we’ve spent 2 ½ years watching our democracy be continually undermined.


Kim Banco, Irvine


To the editor: It seems the most common headline used over the last two-plus years has been, “Trump lashes out at (insert person’s name here).”

Bill Bennett, Huntington Beach

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