
Readers React: Another problem with elections in Florida — what is this, 2000 or 2018?

President Trump stands behind Florida Gov. and Senate candidate Rick Scott at a campaign rally in Pensacola on Nov. 3.
President Trump stands behind Florida Gov. and Senate candidate Rick Scott at a campaign rally in Pensacola on Nov. 3.
(Butch Dill / AP)

To the editor: What is it with Florida? (“Trump calls to end recounts in Florida’s Senate and governor elections, and alleges fraud without evidence,” Nov. 12)

In 2000, that state had to stop the ballot count in the extremely close race between then-Vice President Al Gore and Texas Gov. George W. Bush, giving the presidency to Bush even though Gore had won the national popular vote.

Now, some Republicans want to stop the vote count again in order for that state’s governor, Rick Scott, to win a seat in the U.S. Senate.


Every ballot should be counted, and the candidate with the most votes will win. It is certainly not right to disenfranchise the absentee, mail-in, provisional, overseas and military voters whose choices remain uncounted.

It doesn’t matter which party these people support. Their votes must be counted.

Lorraine Knopf, Santa Monica


To the editor: Recently I read that Trump stated on Twitter that he is going to send “better lawyers” than the Democrats to save our democracy from alleged voter fraud in Florida.

The stupidity of this comment as well as the incendiary insinuation that some states are corrupt show how un-American and uninformed this president is. Trump professes to love America, yet his anger toward anyone who challenges his governing is displayed every day by what he taps on his smartphone.


Never has an individual so ignorant, angry and selfish come to power in our great nation. With the results of the 2018 midterms clearly demonstrating Americans’ distaste for the policies of this administration, citizens must vote in 2020 to save this country from ruin.

Giacomo Bucci, Encinitas


To the editor: I was extremely disappointed that the L.A. Times chose to cover this fake story on the front page of its print edition Tuesday.

Trump has made many allegations that are lies, and this is one of them. Why do you even bother to cover and publish these lies?


There are too many other important issues going on in the world to devote even one inch of newsprint to the president’s lies. Please make better choices in the future.

Marilyn K. Brown, Beaumont

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