
Readers React: A legislator quits to become a lobbyist. Shame on him.

To the editor: So, Assemblyman Henry T. Perea (D-Fresno) is leaving the Legislature to become a lobbyist for the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America. Way to go. Now Perea can live on a salary peeled off the backs of those who need prescriptions to maintain their health. And he calls himself a Democrat? (“Pharmaceutical industry group scoops up former Assemblyman Henry Perea,” Dec. 22)

I’m a retiree living mostly on Social Security, and the premium for my drug benefit recently doubled. When I complained to the supplier, all it could tell me was that the drug companies raised their prices.

Apparently, they needed that money for campaign contributions ($428,000 spent in Sacramento in the first three quarters of 2015, and $150,000 has gone to Perea alone over the years). Perea might call them “contributions,” but I call them flat-out bribes.


Enjoy your time at the pig trough, Mr. Perea. For shame.

Bill Givens, Los Angeles

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