
Readers React: The right wing’s Ebola fear mongering

To the editor: In that false equivalence is a cherished tool of modern journalism, it’s fitting that letters editor Paul Thornton prefaced readers’ comments on the cynical use of Ebola for political advantage with a gross false equivalency. (“Connecting Ebola panic and Democrats’ election defeat,” Readers React, Nov. 14)

Accusations by the GOP of widespread voter fraud have been proved over and over again to be without merit. Nonetheless, these claims have resulted in legislation in more than a dozen Republican-controlled states, which has disenfranchised millions of American citizens.

Thornton compares these false assertions of voter fraud to the very real and constant scare tactics employed by Republican politicians and right-wing media in the lead-up to the midterm elections. Good job, sir. That is the kind of “balance” I’ve come to expect from our press corpse.


Michael Finnigan, Encino

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