
Letters: Mayor Garcetti’s picks are his business

Re “Garcetti favors familiar faces,” Oct. 10

This article is worthy of being turned into a “Seinfeld” episode — because it’s about nothing.

L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti is picking the team that will help him enact his policies. He must choose people he knows will do that.

After Mayor Tom Bradley was elected in 1973, I collected resumes for his administration. Because of the historic nature of that election, its results were known worldwide. We received several hundred applications from all over the world, from Tarzana to Tanzania.


The mayor appointed a committee of people he knew and trusted to sort through all the paperwork and make recommendations. The vast majority of his administration’s appointees were people he knew and trusted.

My reaction to Garcetti doing likewise? Big deal.

Valerie Fields

Los Angeles


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