
Readers React: Rebuffing Turkey’s efforts at reconciliation with Armenians

To the editor: With the 100th anniversary of a tragic chapter of World War I, The Times has unfortunately chosen to fuel misunderstanding rather than promote reconciliation. (“U.S. should call Armenian genocide by its name,” editorial, April 13)

Turkey, for its part, continues to offer a hand in reconciliation to all Armenians, as evidenced by statements from President Recep Tayyip Erdogan conveying condolences and sympathy, while calling for us all to remember the suffering of the time in a decent manner.

Meanwhile, Turkey’s efforts continue to be met with the same vitriol that led to the assassination of several Turkish diplomats by Armenian terrorists. I frequently hear accounts from Turkish Americans in California of discrimination at school or when attempting to complete simple tasks like acquiring a driver’s license or opening a bank account, for what their forefathers are supposed to have participated in a century ago.


Furthermore, how are we to talk about freedom of speech if one side’s voice is constantly being silenced?

On April 24, Turkish Americans walked for peace and reconciliation with Armenians in Washington. Unfortunately, Turkish Americans in Los Angeles were denied that right.

Ongoing efforts to tarnish the memory of our mutual suffering thwart a forward-looking agenda that would help bring both peoples together.


Gülru Gezer, Los Angeles

The writer is the consul general of Turkey in Los Angeles.

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