
Letters to the Editor: Leave the country because of Trump? That’s a huge overreaction

The flags of the United States, California, POW-MIA remembrance and LGBTQ+ pride fly at the state Capitol in Sacramento.
The flags of the United States, California, POW-MIA remembrance and LGBTQ+ pride fly at the state Capitol in Sacramento in 2019.
(Rich Pedroncelli / Associated Press)

To the editor: I’ve read Steve Lopez’s column for many years. I am disappointed that he would even consider moving out of the country just because his party lost an election. (“Trump return could be a growing California nightmare. But leave the U.S.? No need,” column, Nov. 6)

Newsflash, Mr. Lopez: Living in California or any state that voted for Vice President Kamala Harris is not going to exempt you from federal laws. I think I’ll pass over his column in the future.

Carol Lindsey, Camarillo


To the editor: Our better angels abandoned us, and the shining city on the hill has been tarnished.

President-elect Trump has been given a chance to redeem himself. After labeling America a “garbage can,” he has the opportunity to take out the “trash” and restore our position in the world as that city on the hill.


But it is not hopeless if he fails. Andrew Jackson supporters trashed the White House after his inauguration, and we survived. We survived the presidencies of Andrew Johnson, Warren Harding and Herbert Hoover, and we will survive that of No. 47.

The survival of the republic is still in the hands of the people, and I think we are up to the challenge.

June Thompson, Los Angeles


To the editor: Right on, Steve Lopez. I’m staying right here too.

I will resist to my last muscle tissue and brain cell any attempted takeover of California by the Trumpists. We’re going to go around him, over him and under him to get to our goal of preserving this fine state and its policies.


Chet Chebegia, San Marcos
