Letters to the Editor: The Israel-Hamas war makes a mockery of the term ‘Holy Land’
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To the editor: Despite being beset by disputes for thousands of years, the Holy Land came to be a place of peace and respect among the diverse peoples who populated it. Pilgrims from all over the world travel there to worship in what they believe is their religion’s founding place. (“My family in Gaza faces starvation. How do I find solace this Ramadan?” Opinion, March 11)
But in recent decades, age-old disputes resurfaced, and the pursuit of peace and justice was strained. Now war rages, and the land is red with blood, mostly from innocents.
“Holy Land” has become a misnomer that mocks the religious tenets of those to whom this place is sacred.
The world watches as more blood is spilled and hatred stoked. When this horror ends, there will be no winner. The scales of justice are bent out of all recognition.
When the guns are silenced, I hope the cry throughout the land will be only for lasting peace.
Mary Proteau, Los Angeles
To the editor: I am saddened to read that op-ed article writer Laila El-Haddad’s family in the Gaza Strip faces starvation and a bleak holy month of Ramadan. But she says not a word about how this conflict between Israel and Hamas started.
Did Israel suddenly decide to invade Gaza? No. Rather, the conflict began when Hamas attacked Israeli communities and killed more than 1,100 people, most of them civilians, and took about 240 hostages.
War is a very nasty business, and I acknowledge that Israel has likely violated some of the rules on the treatment of civilians set by the international community. But just as El-Haddad is concerned about the conditions in Gaza, I as a proud American of the Jewish faith am concerned about the lives and welfare of the men and women of the Israeli military.
The fight isn’t only against the Hamas terrorists trying to destroy Israel but also against ahistorical ideas that dupe people worldwide into spouting slogans such as, “From the river to the sea Palestine shall be free.”
Donald L. Singer, Cardiff
To the editor: U.S. aid to Israel must stop now and remain so until Israel ceases the bombing of civilian buildings, even if it believes Hamas fighters are inside them. Israel must also takes all possible steps to get aid to the people in Gaza.
We are complicit in the civilian suffering and casualties in Gaza. There is no question that Hamas is a monster and must be eliminated, but that can happen without such enormous cost to the people of Gaza.
Israel has not had the motivation to better manage its operations. That must change — now.
Continue the inspection of aid trucks going into Gaza, but deploy a massive number of inspectors to avoid any delay. Urge the people in Gaza to help identify Hamas operatives to help develop a pathway for the people to have a chance for decent lives. Find ways to block any flow of arms to Hamas.
We must take the lead.
Sid Pelston, Marina del Rey