Letters to the Editor: Trump isn’t just ‘evoking’ Hitler. He’s talking exactly like him
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To the editor: In her piece “Punishing their own but passing few laws, a Congress in chaos leaves much to do in 2024,” Lisa Mascaro of the Associated Press described language used by former President Trump to denigrate immigrants as “alarming language evocative of World War II.”
This description is dangerously inadequate. “Evocative of World War II” is not the whole story, or even part of it. Trump’s language is not just evocative of Adolf Hitler; it uses the actual descriptors employed by Hitler.
Not to point that out — or to try to refer to it using what my law school contracts professor used to refer to as “weasel words” — permits the danger posed by Trump to continue unchallenged.
This language is fascist, pure and simple, and it must be called out by the media and referred to as such, or our country will slide into that very form of government.
Chris Maxwell, Los Angeles