
Letters: Bloomberg’s meddling in L.A. schools

Re “N.Y. mayor gives to L.A. campaigns,” Feb. 13

An out-of-state billionaire decides to give $1 million to anti-union candidates running for the Los Angeles Unified School District Board of Education. Could this be one of the right-wing Koch brothers meddling in local campaigns?

No, it is New York’s “moderate” mayor, Michael R. Bloomberg. The candidates receiving this money because of their tough stance on United Teachers Los Angeles’ influence consider themselves progressive educators.


As Alice said about Wonderland, things are getting “curiouser and curiouser.”

Mark Elinson

Los Angeles

Ordinarily I would be pleased to see that Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa has taken up a hobby besides campaigning for another job. But as a teacher in L.A. Unified, I’m appalled that he’s gotten the mayor of New York to prop up candidates who will help to dismantle public education in Los Angeles.

It’s ironic that Villaraigosa, once a UTLA organizer, is trying to squash the union that gave him his start. I encourage Angelenos worried about the machinations of Villaraigosa and his billionaire buddies to vote for school board candidates who will strengthen our public schools, not those propped up by big money.

Jon Krampner

Los Angeles

As an admirer of Bloomberg and a fan of New York, I am dismayed that the mayor is getting involved in the school board election. Bloomberg should find a local cause that needs his money; I hear that his own New York public schools still have problems.


Bloomberg’s donation makes me determined to vote against any candidate who receives his support.

Victoria Francis

Los Angeles


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