
Letters: Shuttle squabbles

Re “Endeavour to begin California adventure,” Sept. 20, and “Shuttle gets final clearance,” Sept. 18

It is too late now, but did those in charge of planning Endeavour’s trip from Los Angeles International Airport to the California Science Center consider removing the wings of the shuttle rather than requiring the destruction of so many trees? Considering that the shuttle will never again be launched into space, why couldn’t the wings be removed at the airport and reattached at the museum?

Any damage to the shuttle could be repaired, and this outcry could have been avoided.

Charles Munroe

Simi Valley

The list of locations that will receive a space shuttle flyover is missing the most important one: the former Consolidated-Vultee/North American Aviation plant in Downey, where the shuttle engineering work was done.


The flight plan should be changed to recognize this important location.

Dale Lawrence Jensen



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