
Letters: Adjusting to the new health law

Re “Insurance sticker shock,” Oct. 27

Something about this story doesn’t add up. Fullerton resident Jennifer Harris, the self-employed lawyer profiled in this article whose current insurance policy will be canceled because it doesn’t conform to new federal rules, is paying $98 per month for an individual health plan. That would not even buy her a Band-Aid in today’s market.

What is Harris getting for her $98? Her deductible and co-pays must be enormous.

Under the Affordable Care Act, people may switch to higher-cost plans that actually have lower deductibles and co-pays. The ACA now allows children to stay on their parents’ plan until they are 26 years old. It covers pre-existing conditions and prohibits an insurance company from canceling your coverage if you have a life-threatening illness.

Let’s give healthcare reform a chance to play out before we jump on the nay saying bandwagon.


Ina Mozer

La Mesa

Where is the news in this article? From the outset of people have been saying premiums would go up under the law. The article’s subheadline should read, “I told you so; be careful what you wish for.”

The article says that people with insurance through their employer aren’t affected. Wrong. Their policies might not be canceled outright, but there is a huge effect: At my firm there is a 67% increase in the employee contribution for the same coverage.

It is unfortunate that you bury the most significant statement in the middle of the article: “I was all for Obamacare until I found out I was paying for it.” Be careful what you wish for; you might get it.


Arnie Sklar

Beverly Hills

In the photos that ran with Sunday’s story on healthcare insurance sticker shock, Harris looks to be pretty young, about the age I was when I embarked on a freelance writing career.

Then, I resented having to pay “double” the Social Security tax (the employer and the employee contributions). Now, at age 58, I’m quite relieved that I will soon have Social Security income.

Harris and all the young people who grumble about subsidizing the elderly by paying higher premiums should look at it in a different way: They will pay more now so they can pay less later. They are subsidizing themselves at their older ages.


Believe me, when later comes, they will be very happy with the arrangement.

Diane Scholfield

Vista, Calif.

It is human nature that no one wants to pay more.

However, I wonder if Harris would have the same reaction about premium increases if a family member was one of the millions of Americans currently going without medical treatment because she cannot not afford it.

Under Obamacare all American women, like Harris, will benefit from the requirement that health plans provide maternity coverage and preventive care at no additional cost. Her child will receive free immunizations and screening services and can be covered by her insurance until age 26. If Harris develops postpartum depression, mental healthcare is covered.

And Harris will be able to change insurance carriers without fear of denial or higher rates because of her gender or health status.

Are Americans so poorly informed that they would rather deny themselves quality healthcare — and deny healthcare to others — to get a bargain? I hope not.

Rebecca Nunnelee

Santa Monica

The health insurance premium increases represent the fair share we all have to pay to provide adequate healthcare for all Americans.

It’s a right that we demanded; now we have it and must pay.

Glynn Morris

Playa del Rey


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