
Letters: Wendy Davis -- the whole story

Re “Texas Democrat faces questions about background,” Jan. 21

While I am grateful to Texas legislator Wendy Davis for her efforts to stand up for women’s reproductive rights in her state, I wish she hadn’t fudged her back story.

Every time a prominent, successful individual says, “I did all this on my own,” and fails to acknowledge the people who helped along the way, it sends a message to those who are truly mired in poverty and completely lacking in family and financial support that they are losers because they haven’t managed to rise above their circumstances.

Most successful people, if they are truthful, will acknowledge that in addition to their own hard work and persistence, the support — financial, moral and logistical (child care, anyone?) — of others was crucial in launching and sustaining their careers. And there is absolutely no shame in that.


Liz Fautsch



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