
Career counseling millennial-style

Coddled, overconfident and demanding — those are just a few of the less-than-flattering words people have used to describe millennials. But believe it or not, the much-maligned millennial generation can teach others — say Gen Xers, for instance — a few things about career advancement, said Christine DiDonato, founder of Career Revolution, Inc.

DiDonato, who specializes in working with companies and millennials on career development tools, said she is constantly amazed at how millennials often seem better prepared to climb the corporate ladder than their more seasoned counterparts. Here are new tricks to try in that process.

Try a little confidence

Too often employees feel they need to be experts in a subject before they chime in with their opinions, DiDonato said.


“I came from the mindset that if I was going to put my hat in the ring to speak I had better have the experience to say something meaningful,” DiDonato said.

Millennials, by contrast, aren’t bound by such limitations and have confidence that is not necessarily born of experience. This willingness to speak up and share their ideas is a good way to get noticed, DiDonato explained.

“Millennials are master marketers,” she said.

Ask away

This confidence translates into millennials pushing the envelope when it comes to asking for raises, promotions and other career assistance.


DiDonato said she experienced this firsthand recently when a millennial contacted her on LinkedIn, asking her to connect and chat about how she could help his sales training business.

“He asked and I responded,” she said. “It was so easy. I was like why don’t I do that more often.”

Millennials, DiDonato said, “ask for what they want. Some don’t get it but some do and then Gen Xers get so resentful.”


Be resourceful

For millennials, the answer to most of life’s questions is just a Google query away. DiDonato said that fact makes them incredibly resourceful, enabling them to problem-solve on their own.

“They are buried into tech,” DiDonato said. “They have no anxiety about guessing.”

If they can’t figure something out on their own, millennials are more than willing to tap into their networks — whether it be at work or online — to come up with a solution.

Their immersion in social media is an especially helpful tool, DiDonato added, as they see everyone as a potential resource and are experts at finding and following those best able to help them.

“They understand the importance of connection,” she said.

Want to find out how millennials are remaking the workplace? Listen into a Career Talk podcast with DiDonato at

Jennifer Davies is the assistant dean of external affairs for UCSD Extension. She can be reached at [email protected].
