
Letters: More education makes better teachers

Re “A road map for L.A. Unified,” Editorial, Nov. 28

The Times refers to a recent study funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation that determined that teachers without advanced degrees are as effective as those who have them.

Really? In my 16 years of teaching at a public high school, I have noticed that teachers who have advanced degrees in their field are better advocates for their programs and more apt to assume leadership positions. This probably has something to do with conducting one’s own research and defending a thesis before a professional committee.


Questioning rewards given to teachers who educate themselves beyond the minimum only encourages us to dumb down our public schools.

Pamela Nagler


Your editorial gives the impression that paying more for teachers with master’s or doctorate degrees is a waste of money compared to the value of a national board certified teacher. I received both my certification and an advanced degree, and I feel both have helped me be a more effective educator.

I can tell you that the Los Angeles Unified School District already pays significantly more for national board certification. When I got my master’s degree recently, my salary increased by only $53 a month.


Frank Cooper

West Adams


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